Sabina Hutchinson- Director People and Culture

Sabina is the Director of People and Culture and serves as a vital connection between different groups and organizations within the Dominican community. She ensures that the community maintains a positive and lively image. Sabina also coordinates various cultural events to enhance the community’s cultural landscape.

Arleny Perez- Director Public Relations/ Board Member

Arleny holds the position of Public Relations Director in the Dominican Alliance and serves as a key member of the team. Her responsibilities include establishing and managing relationships with the community on behalf of the alliance, marketing, and communicating with stakeholders. Arleny also plays a vital role in creating and enhancing the alliance’s brand and striving for constant progress.

Blanca Bobadilla– Program Director/ Board Member

Blanca plays a crucial role as the Program Director at Dominican Alliance, where she is responsible for creating and implementing a variety of programs. Her main duties involve the management and supervision of these programs to ensure their successful execution.
Additionally, she engages with the community to promote the organization’s mission and establish collaborative partnerships to raise funds.

Edwin Perdomo- Finance Director/ Board Member

Edwin, as the financial director of the Dominican Alliance, has an essential responsibility in managing the financial operations of the organization. He supervises the preparation and execution of the alliance’s budget, ensuring that it is in line with the overall goals and objectives of the organization. Edwin also prepares balance sheets and provides financial reports that assist the alliance’s leadership in making informed decisions about its future

Ali Hashmi- Project Director/ Board Chair

Ali Hashmi serves as the Project Director and Board Chair, responsible for overseeing and managing all activities of the alliance. He ensures that the goals and objectives are met while maintaining high levels of performance and efficiency. Ali is responsible for developing and implementing strategies that promote the growth and success of the alliance. He also ensures that all stakeholders are engaged and satisfied with the results.